Chin Muscle
correction of sequelae of facial paralysis in a child

Dr.Yasmina Laouar
Official Endopeel Trainer in Algeria
Young male Patient - Emergency Check Up -End 2020- DAY O
victim of a serious cranial trauma during while doing sport in 2020.
The Head Trauma Score is 1-15 on the Glasgow Scale
isocoria of the 2 pupils
- Right Facial Paralysis
- Absence of Motor Sensory Deficit
- An early craniocerebral computed tomography ( < 1h) was performed.
Early Craniocerebral Computed Tomography Results <1h-DAY 0
- Right fronto parieto occipital fracture lines passing through the petrous bone with depression of a bone fragment estimated at 6 mm.
- Cervical Spine : Nothing to repor
Craniocerebral Computed Tomography Results at 12 h-DAY 0
- parietal hemorrhagic contusion next to a non-compressive extradural hematoma 15 mm thick without mass effect on the cerebral parenchyma and median structures.
- hematic filling of the prepontic cistern on the right as well as in the right latero cerebella.
- right extra dural hematoma in the process of organization on a background of clinical improvement
- Clinical Improvement with conscious patient, absence of motor sensory deficit, reactive isochoric pupils, facial paralysis on the right.
DAY 73-neurophysiologic exams
Electroneurography ENG Electromyography EMG-BLINK REFLEX
- ENG with recording of the nasalis muscle: absence of motor response
- study of the reflex right blink: small reflex response R1 of elongated latency on the ipsilateral side
- EMG at the level of the right frontal muscle: signs of almost total denervation without signs of reinnervation.
- EMG at the level of the orbicularis muscle of the eyelids: signs of almost total denervation without signs of reinnervation
- EMG at the level of the right chin muscle: signs of reinnervation
Patients Datas
1st consultation

1 st Results


without mimicry

static view
absence of forehead wrinkles.
absence of Drooping lower eyelid.
absence of Drooping eyebrow.
light facial asymmetry
dynamic view
Forehead without movement.
inability to wrinkle brow.
incomplete closure of the eye
mouth asymmetry
The chosen techniques have been those of M.TIZIANI , applied to the facial expression muscles :
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