Upper Third
Forehead Wrinkles
Upper Eyelid
Temporal Area
Only way to treat the upper third in case of Covid infection and/or vaccination
Middle Third
From the Supra Orbital Rim to the Nasal Base
Lower Eyelid
Peri Ocular Area
Naso Labial Furrow
Goosefeet-Crows feet
Bone Cheeks
Upper Masseter Area
The middle third is an essential area in the field of aesthetics.
It s an expressive part of the face and a focal point for the look of others.
The middle third is the most active part of the face and is particularly sensitive to ageing.
That s why when you treat a full face or part of the face with Endopeel, begin always to treat the middle third.
Middle Third Front Edges
Lower third
Mouth Angle Depressors
Lower Masseter Area
Perioral Barcode
Upper Lip
Lower Lip
Mandible Angle
Supra Mandibular Area
Chin Muscle
Baggy & Saddy Low Jowls
Marionette Folds
Infra Mandibular Area
Upper Neck
Mandibular Contour
Platysmal Bands
Double Chin
Facial Asymmetry
else than for sequellae of facial paralysis