Global Anti Ageing

Facial Tightening
Facial Tightening of medium and lower thirds
Express Look
Focus Look
Premium Look

Sagging Face
Loco Regional Technic for Medium Third
Loco Regional Technic for Lower Third
1 ml per hemiface-middle third
1 ml per hemiface lower third

Anti AgingĀ of medium and lower thirds

Anti Aging Global treatment for medium and lower thirds
Endopeel Face treatment can start at any age to look young ,,forever,,
Cervico Facial Angle is improved
Mandibular Contour is improved
Zygoma is projected
Better skin quality
Skin Hydration improved
Naso Labial Furrow Improvement

Anti AgingĀ of upper,medium and lower thirds
Right Eyebrow is improved
Mandibular Contour is improved
Zygoma is projected
Naso Labial Furrow is improved
Marionette is improved
Saggy Low Jowl is lifted and improved