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Why do patients prefer Endopeel

For patients who dont want botulinum toxin

  • Botulinum Toxin is a biological toxin at the difference of Endopeel .
  • Botulinum Toxin can give great effects on the face but more you apply it, less it works because it leads to irreversible atrophy as long paralysis of the muscles.
  • Endopeel doesnt paralyse the muscles, never leads to any atrophy and can give some ,, toxin-like,, optical effects .
  • Only in case of superficial wrinkles, botulinum toxin should be applied.
  • In case of falling eyebrow following a complication a bad injection of botulinum toxin, the eyebrow can be immediately lifted with Endopeel .

For patients who refuse fillers or skinboosters

  • Fillers are used to add volume.
  • Adding volume means increasing the weight of the tissues ( tissue+filler) which lead that the treated area will fall down instead of beeing lifted, following the basic physic rules of the gravity.
  • Also fillers lead to many complications like granulomas, nodules, migrations, necrosis , vision loss and neurosurgical problems ..
  • Fillers are an indication only in case of persisting depression.
  • Endopeel reshapes in 3D the muscles in an isovolumetric way,  without  complications provoked by fillers and that s why Endopeel is a the best solution, for its highest safety as immediate results.

For patients who want immediate results

  • Patients have not any more patience to see results nowadays and want immediately results.
  • Endopeel offers immediately results after 1/2 hour visible by the patient and the entourage as well.
  • Insufficient results are related to

- bad choice of indications
- no respect of contra indications
- bad techniques
- untrained physician
-dangerous copies of the products
( Turkey,Argentina,Spain,China,India, Korea,Uruguay)

For patients who don t want threads or sutures

  • Threads or Sutures are great only to reposition the fatty tissue .
  • Endopeel works on the msucles but not on the fat.
  • Combinations Endopeel-Threads can be useful.
  • But if the patients face is thin or without enough fatty tissue, Endopeel should be used alone and is safer giving better results without the threads complications.

For not candidates to surgery


Endopeel techniques applied to the face can be :
- an alternative to surgery
- a complement to surgery
- a maintenance of surgery

For Completing or Improving a surgical facelift

continous improving
    • Endopeel is great to complete a surgical facelift in the areas forbidden for surgery and for the maintenance of a surgical facelift.
    • Also Endopeel can be used surgically (undermining is not necessary) using just one unique  incision point, allowing 5 years effect duration with an unvisible scar . 

Upper Third

Middle Third

Lower Third

Gender Indication


Global Anti Aging


Pathologic Indications

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