Dark Lower Eyelids
Welcome to our exploration of the intriguing topic of the dark lower eyelid. This common concern affects many individuals, causing a shadowy appearance beneath the eyes that can sometimes give a tired or aged look.
Imagine waking up to find that no amount of rest or concealer can fully mask this subtle yet persistent feature. The dark lower eyelid, often caused by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, or even allergies, can be a source of frustration for those seeking a bright-eyed and refreshed appearance.

Dark lower eyelids, known as periorbital hyperpigmentation, can be caused by various factors. Common etiologies include genetics, lack of sleep, ageing, allergies, and lifestyle habits. Genetics play a significant role in determining the natural pigmentation around the eyes. Lack of sleep can lead to blood vessel dilation, causing the skin to appear darker. As we age, the skin thins, making blood vessels more visible and contributing to a shadowed appearance. Allergies can cause inflammation and dark circles under the eyes. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and sun exposure can also exacerbate dark lower eyelids. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial in determining the most effective treatment for each individual.

- Thinning of the skin
- Decrease of subcutaneaous fat
Dark circles around or under the eyes are due to thinning of the skin, decrease in subcutaneous fat and enlargement of the eye socket. This is because as we age, the skull shrinks.

- Bluish
(Superficial Vasculature) - Dark Brown (Melanin Deposit)
- Periorbital Oedema
- Black
(Shadow from sagging skin)
Dark eye circles may appear bluish, dark brown or black depending on the type of dark eye circles and the skin colour.

Blood Vessels
- thinned outskin
- Increased number or thickness of capillaries

Life Factors
- Smoking
- Excessive Alcohol Consumption
- Sun Exposure
