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To achieve the desired effect of "fox eyes" using the endopeel technique, it is important to have a basic understanding of facial anatomy.


key anatomical considerations

1.Orbital Rim

orbital rim

The shape and prominence of the orbital rim play a significant role in creating the fox eye appearance. The orbital rim refers to the bony structure around the eye socket, and its contour can be enhanced to achieve a more elongated eye shape.

2. Brow Position

eyebrow anatomy

The position and shape of the eyebrows can greatly influence the overall appearance of the eyes. A higher, more arched brow can help create a lifted and elongated look.

3.Canthal Tilt


The canthal tilt refers to the angle formed by the outer corners of the eyes. A more upwardly tilted canthal angle is characteristic of the fox eye aesthetic. This can be achieved through various techniques, including the use of sutures or injectables like Endopeel.

4.Lateral Canthal Ligament

lateral canthal ligament

The lateral canthal ligament holds the outer corner of the eye in place. Modifying or adjusting this ligament can help achieve the desired tilt or lift.

Etiologies of the Anatomical Changes about Ageing of the Upper Palpebral Sulcus

  • Fat Migration or Loss of Fat Volume

    • Loss of Fat Volume in the Temporal Region
    • Atrophy of the ROOF
  • Lack of Muscle Tone

    Frontal Muscle Elongation

  • Bone Resorption

Why do Threads dont work to realize Foxy Eyes ?

  • Because muscles remain elongated and arent repositioned

  • Excess of Fat cant be resolved with Threads

  • It s quite unpossible to place threads on ligaments

  • Different Tensions in Each Zone

    Each side has a different tension !

Muscles acting on the position of the eyebrow

Eyebrow Elevators


Eyebrow Depressors

corrugator supercilii, orbicularis oculi, procerus
 eyebrow depressors

Conclusions : Thats why we do use Endopeel

  • Endopeel equilibrates the muscle tone

  • Endopeel repositions in its anatomy any selected muscle by shortening it and projecting the muscle fibers.

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