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Indications Variations

  • Face Lift without neck lift
  • Face & Neck Lift

Face Lift without Neck Lift

facelift without neck lift medium third lower tensor

0< Tensor <30 grades with the horizontal

  • The lowest tensor for the middle third of the face, makes an angle between 0 and 30 grades with the horizontal ( line going throughthe labial commissures).
  • Check the position of the gauze simulating the facelift movement for the lower quadrant.
  • There is no action on the neck or nor lifting on the neck, pulling the gauze according to the arrow,starting from the lower quadrant

Face & Neck Lift

face & neck lift lower tensor

Tensor>45 grades with the horizontal

  • The lowest tensor for the middle third of the face, makes an angle between 45 and 90 grades with the horizontal ( line going through the labial commissures).
  • Check the position of the gauze simulating the neck lift movement .
  • There lifting action on the neck is seen,when pulling the gauze according to the arrow,starting from the lower quadrant.

Summary Indications Variations

  • For facelift, the angle between the tensor of the lower quadrant and the horizontal is <30 grades.( It should be between 0 and 30 grades) .
  • For face+neck lift, the angle between the tensor of the lower quadrant and the horizontal is here a little bit less than 90 grades. ( It should be bewteen 45 and 90 grades).
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