Metrosexuals appear from 1976
As the women wanted to gain importance and power in the society, the males became weak letting women taking high positions. That period is linked to the beginning and evolution of the metrosexual males.

What do men wish to improve their appearance
61% of men are taking care nowadays of their look
- 81% have unwanted adiposities in different body areas
- 47% would like to look younger
- 31% focused on skin blemishes
Increasing Demand

Criters for males to choose aesthetic non invasive procedures
Males prefer procedures which are :
- faster
- painless
- with immediate results
- minimally invasive
That s why Endopeel is the elected procedure

who are the males wishing mostly a masculinisation of their face and/or body
Most of them are Milleniums
- average milleniums
- photomodels
- metrosexuals
- gays ev bisexuals

Skull comparison male-female & Forehead
- Female skull is rounded at the level of the forehead seen on profile
- Male skull is straight at the level of the forehead on the profile

Widen Forehead

Male Eyebrow
Overhanging, horizontal brow
Prominent supraorbital ridge
Minimal eyebrow arch
Deeper-set eyes, appearing closer togetherThe distance eyebrow-upper eyelid is smaller than at females

Female Eyebrow
Eyes that appear more openThe distance eyebrow-upper eyelid is larger than at males
Happy Result