1 St Indication : Acne Scars
Endopeel 0.5 ml per hemiface
Peeling de Luxe
30 Min Peel Off

Acne Scars- 2nd Session
2nd Session
Endopeel 1.0 ml per hemiface -Easy Technic of A.TENENBAUM
48 hours after
Endopeel 0.5 ml per hemiface-Technic of M.Tiziani
Peeling de Luxe
30 Min Peel Off
Combination Endopeel +Peels for Naso Labial Furrow Improvement

Technics Used . combination of Endopeel
Correction of nasolabial fold with Endopeel local technic of A.Tenenbaum
correction of skin texture with the protocol peeling de luxe + 30 min peel off , technic of M.Tiziani
1 session / week x 4 weeks
Economic Use ( less quantity than usual)
1,5ml (0,75 ml each side) Endopeel to repeat at each session
Improvement of the depth and the length of the nasolabial fold
Improvement of the roundness of the face ( female)
Improvement of the lower periocular area
Important improvement of the skin texture with the peelings

Excellent Improvement on the left naso labial furrow