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Dark Lower Eyelids

Dark Lower Eyelids

Welcome to our exploration of the intriguing topic of the dark lower eyelid. This common concern affects many individuals, causing a shadowy appearance beneath the eyes that can sometimes give a tired or aged look.

Imagine waking up to find that no amount of rest or concealer can fully mask this subtle yet persistent feature. The dark lower eyelid, often caused by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, or even allergies, can be a source of frustration for those seeking a bright-eyed and refreshed appearance.



Dark lower eyelids, known as periorbital hyperpigmentation, can be caused by various factors. Common etiologies include genetics, lack of sleep, ageing, allergies, and lifestyle habits. Genetics play a significant role in determining the natural pigmentation around the eyes. Lack of sleep can lead to blood vessel dilation, causing the skin to appear darker. As we age, the skin thins, making blood vessels more visible and contributing to a shadowed appearance. Allergies can cause inflammation and dark circles under the eyes. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and sun exposure can also exacerbate dark lower eyelids. Understanding the underlying causes is crucial in determining the most effective treatment for each individual.



  • Thinning of the skin
  • Decrease of subcutaneaous fat

Dark circles around or under the eyes are due to thinning of the skin, decrease in subcutaneous fat and enlargement of the eye socket. This is because as we age, the skull shrinks.



  • Bluish
    (Superficial Vasculature)
  • Dark Brown (Melanin Deposit)
  • Periorbital Oedema
  • Black
    (Shadow from sagging skin)

Dark eye circles may appear bluish, dark brown or black depending on the type of dark eye circles and the skin colour. 


Blood Vessels

  • thinned outskin
  • Increased number or thickness of capillaries

Life Factors

  • Smoking
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  • Sun Exposure



Lack of Sleep

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forehead wrinkles



Forehead wrinkles are a common concern that many individuals face as they age. These lines and creases can be a result of various factors, including natural ageing, sun exposure, and repetitive facial expressions. However, with advancements in cosmetic procedures, treatments like Endopeel have emerged as a promising solution to combat these visible signs of ageing.

Endopeel is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that targets specific areas of the face, including the forehead, to reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. By stimulating collagen production and promoting skin elasticity, Endopeel offers a natural-looking result that enhances the overall appearance of the skin.

Imagine waking up each morning to a smoother and more youthful-looking forehead, free from the worry of prominent wrinkles. With Endopeel, this dream can become a reality. Say goodbye to frown lines and hello to a revitalised complexion that radiates confidence and youthfulness.


Which  results can we get with Endopeel


UPPER THIRD2-endopeel

Immediate Results after 30 Min


Macroscopy Immediate Results after 30 Min


Evolution of Male Forehead Wrinkles in 5h30 with Endopeel

Forehead Wrinkles and Eyes position with Endopeel

  • upper-third1-endopeel.jpg

    Eyes down
    Dynamic Forehead Wrinkles

    Zoom +

  • upper-third3-endopeel.jpg

    Eyes Up
    Dynamic Forehead Wrinkles

    Zoom +

  • upper-third4-endopeel.jpg

    Eyes almost closed
    Dynamic Forehead Wrinkles

    Zoom +


Endopeel helps reduce deep forehead wrinkles, both when mimicking and in a static position without paralyzing the frontalis muscles.

This allows to maintain facial  expressions by erasing forehead wrinkles.

Benefits of Endopeel vs Botulinum Toxin

  • Endopeel is neither a toxin nor a poison

  • Endopeel does not paralyze any muscles

  • Endopeel does not cause any muscle atrophy by repeating sessions

  • Endopeel does not require keeping the product cold

  • Endopeel does not require any manipulation by the doctor before its injection

  • Endopeel can be combined with botulinum toxin in cases of very superficial wrinkles

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Upper Eyelid Indications

Upper Eyelid
Indications and Technics


Distance between the eyelashes and the upper palpebral sulcus

Main Reason for Consultation

∙Under normal conditions, the upper palpebral sulcus is 7-8 mm above the eyelash line in men and 10-12 mm in women, measured along the pupillary axis.

∙Curvilinear arrangement so that in

    -its nasal portion it descends to 6 to 8 mm above the lacrimal point and

    -in the temporal area it is located between 7 and 9 mm above the external canthus.



indications for Upper Blepharoplasty with Endopeel

Blepharochalasis & Brow Lift ( Foxy Eyes)

  • Moderate skin excess of the upper eyelid
  • Brow Lift ( Foxy eyes)

are the 2 main indications to realize an upper blepharoplasty with Endopeel

internal limit LT-STEP3

Skin Excess Measurement & Blepharochalasis

the pinch test is fundamental to approve the marking

in this case the eye must remain barely open but must be able to close .

Contra Indications

skin excess upper eyelid

Important Skin Excess of the upper eyelid

Indications for a surgical upper blepharoplasty

herniated fat upper eyelid

Fat herniae through the orbicularis muscle

Indications for a surgical upper blepharoplasty



Upper Eyelid Lift

Closed Eyes


Upper Eyelid Lift

Open Eyes

  • On the treated area,the distance eyelash-upper palpebral sulcus is higher than on the untreated area. 
  • Also the eyebrow is higher and lifted thanks to the increased distance eyelash-upper palpebral sulcus.

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Periocular Area

Periocular Area

Periocular Area POC1

How to treat :


Other Results on another patient


Front View-Static



Front View-Dynamic



Lateral Left View-Dynamic



Lateral Right View-Dynamic


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Sequelae of Burns

Facial Sequelae of Burns

                 Result after 1 session after 1 week

Endopeel + Peeling de Luxe + 30 Min Peel Off

facial sequellae of burns treated with endopeel and peeling de luxe


8 Sessions Mesotherapy without any Results

This 14 years old female patient has been burnt when she was 5 years old.At that time, she was treated ( we dont know how) and no improvements could be seen.
Then this patient visited an aesthetic medicine practicioner who proposed her 8 sessions of mesotherapy , without any results.
Then the patient finally landed at Dr.Yasmina Laouar Clinic , who proposed her immediately 1 session Endopeel combined with Peeling de Luxe and 30 min Peel Off.


Combination Endopeel +Peels ( A.TENENBAUM + M.TIZIANI)

  • Endopeel vectors & tensors , quantity : 1.5 ml according the technique of A.TENENBAUM
  • Immediately after Peeling de Luxe followed  30 Min Peel Off according the technique of M.TIZIANI


  • Improvements are evident concerning the outlook of the sequelae of burns as the skin texture.
  • Other sessions may lead to increase the improvements and can be proposed once a month.

Read More about Combination Endopeel + Peelings

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