Middle Third
Loco Regional Technique : Vectors Injections

How to Inject a Vector

Each vector has to be applied ,, normal,, to the plan of each NFLs square or quadrant.
- 1 Vector per Square
- Applied to the center of each square
- Normal or perpendicular to the plan of the Naso Labial Furrow Area.
Exactly as the pencil on the picture !
Quantity to Inject
.05 ml = 1/2 graduation of a 1 ml syringe

injection of the vector of the 1st quadrant
starting with the lowest quadrant of the naso-genial area

- Vectors are all normal to the muscular plan, which means that the syringe makes an angle of 90 grades with the skin, exactly at the center of each ,, square,,.
- Begin always to inject squares from down to up
- Your hand has always to be in contact with the patients skin or with the other hand .
- Inject .05 ml per point
- Use ultra flexible 30g1/2 needle
injection of the vector of the 2nd quadrant

- Always the position of the hand injecting is very important ,taking contact or a fixed position on the patients face.
- Inject at each step .05 ml
- Change of needle if it s curved or if the patients feels pain
- The syringe as always for each vector has to be ,, normal,,to the center of the marked square ( point in the center of each square)
injection of the vector of the 3rd quadrant