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Naso Labial Furrow Improvement

Naso Labial Furrow  & Endopeel


The world’s population is aging and the demand for facial aesthetic treatments from the elderly population is growing along with the overall aesthetics exigency.

There are various reasons why people wish to appear younger.

A common theme among these reasons is the desire to avoid social penalties that accompany aging, which can come in the form of discrimination, employment difficulties,and harassment.

Observers frequently focused on the nasolabial fold area, which is an area of great importance in demonstrating signs of age.

Age perception, the judgment of another person’s age by appearance, is imperative for achieving effective communication and navigating personal relationships .

Evolution of the naso labial furrow with aging

  • Backward move of the nasal pyramid
  • Overhang ptosis of the naso labial fold
  • Flattening of the cheekbone
  • Nasal aisle or wing pulls backwards
  • Decreasing of the upper lips height
NLF standard method

Vectors & Tensors

shortening the length of the labio nasal furrow

Reducing the depth of the naso labial furrow

Reducing the depth of the naso labial furrow

Reducing the depth of the naso labial furrow-Dynamic

naso labial fold and marionette

Reducing the depth and shortening the naso labial furrow

naso labial furrow- Dr Fatima Alzahra

Reducing the depth of the naso labial furrow

Ethny: North Africa-Algeria

naso labial furrow- Dr Raul Flores

Reducing the depth and the buldge of the naso labial furrow


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Why do patients prefer Endopeel


For patients who dont want botulinum toxin

  • Botulinum Toxin is a biological toxin at the difference of Endopeel .
  • Botulinum Toxin can give great effects on the face but more you apply it, less it works because it leads to irreversible atrophy as long paralysis of the muscles.
  • Endopeel doesnt paralyse the muscles, never leads to any atrophy and can give some ,, toxin-like,, optical effects .
  • Only in case of superficial wrinkles, botulinum toxin should be applied.
  • In case of falling eyebrow following a complication a bad injection of botulinum toxin, the eyebrow can be immediately lifted with Endopeel .


For patients who refuse fillers or skinboosters

  • Fillers are used to add volume.
  • Adding volume means increasing the weight of the tissues ( tissue+filler) which lead that the treated area will fall down instead of beeing lifted, following the basic physic rules of the gravity.
  • Also fillers lead to many complications like granulomas, nodules, migrations, necrosis , vision loss and neurosurgical problems ..
  • Fillers are an indication only in case of persisting depression.
  • Endopeel reshapes in 3D the muscles in an isovolumetric way,  without  complications provoked by fillers and that s why Endopeel is a the best solution, for its highest safety as immediate results.

For patients who want immediate results

  • Patients have not any more patience to see results nowadays and want immediately results.
  • Endopeel offers immediately results after 1/2 hour visible by the patient and the entourage as well.
  • Insufficient results are related to

- bad choice of indications
- no respect of contra indications
- bad techniques
- untrained physician
-dangerous copies of the products
( Turkey,Argentina,Spain,China,India, Korea,Uruguay)


For patients who don t want threads or sutures

  • Threads or Sutures are great only to reposition the fatty tissue .
  • Endopeel works on the msucles but not on the fat.
  • Combinations Endopeel-Threads can be useful.
  • But if the patients face is thin or without enough fatty tissue, Endopeel should be used alone and is safer giving better results without the threads complications.

For not candidates to surgery

Endopeel techniques applied to the face can be :
- an alternative to surgery
- a complement to surgery
- a maintenance of surgery

continous improving

For Completing or Improving a surgical facelift

    • Endopeel is great to complete a surgical facelift in the areas forbidden for surgery and for the maintenance of a surgical facelift.
    • Also Endopeel can be used surgically (undermining is not necessary) using just one unique  incision point, allowing 5 years effect duration with an unvisible scar . 

Topographic Indications

upper third

Upper Third

middle third

Middle Third

lower third

Lower Third

Ethnic Indications



Gender Indication


Global Anti Aging

global anti aging

Pathologic Indications

pathologic face

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Anti Aging

Global Anti Ageing

facial tightening endopeel and anti aging

Facial Tightening

facial tightening 2 and endopeel
  • Pink Lipstick

    Pink world

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore.
  • Eyelashes

    By Diana Rodriguez

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore.

Facial Tightening of medium and lower thirds

  • Express Look

  • Focus Look

  • Premium Look

sagging face by Dr.Aya Elaroud

Sagging Face

mohammad hunder anti age medium lower thirds

Anti Aging of medium and lower thirds


Anti Aging Global treatment for medium and lower thirds

Endopeel Face treatment can start at any age to look young ,,forever,,

  • Cervico Facial Angle is improved

  • Mandibular Contour is improved

  • Zygoma is projected

  • Better skin quality

  • Skin Hydration improved

  • Naso Labial Furrow Improvement

dr carlos rosales  anti age medium lower thirds

Anti Aging of upper,medium and lower thirds

  • Right Eyebrow is improved

  • Mandibular Contour is improved

  • Zygoma is projected

  • Naso Labial Furrow is improved

  • Marionette is improved

  • Saggy Low Jowl is lifted and improved

face basse endopeel dr carlos rosales 2023

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Topographic Indications

Upper Third

Upper Third

Middle Third

From the Supra Orbital Rim to the Nasal Base

Middle Third

The middle third is an essential area in the field of aesthetics.
It s an expressive part of the face and a focal point for the look of others.
The middle third is the most active part of the face and is particularly sensitive to ageing.

That s why when you treat a full face or part of the face with Endopeel, begin always to treat the middle third.



middle third front edges

Middle Third Front Edges

Lower Third

Lower Third chin-snagit Lips



Double Chin

In Construction

Facial Asymmetry

Lower Third
  • Facial Asymmetry

  • Sequellae of Facial Paralysis

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Ethnic Indications


ethnic face indications


middle eastern female middle and lower third of the face

Middle Eastern Female

  • Right Middle Third treated
  • Right Lower Third treated
Dr.Qusay Alhashimi from Iraq treated this patient with great results



Middle and Lower Third of the face of Latino Female

1ST CASE Latino Female

  • Dr.Jesus Escanero Chavez from Mexico treated this patient with excellent results
  • Medium Third with Naso Labial Folds
  • Lower Third with Marionnette Lines 
middle eastern female middle and lower third of the face

2ND CASE Latino Female

  • Whole Middle Third treated
  • Whole Lower Third treated
Dr.Barby Reyes from Mexico treated this patient with great results





This patient refused zygoma projection

  • as 1 st session, just 4 ml totally were injected
  • medium third local technique with medium tensor 0 grades instead of 45 grades to avoid the zygoma projection
  • lower third local technique



This patient refused zygoma projection

  • improvement of naso labial furrow in length and depth
  • improvement of marionette lines
  • upper lip lifting
  • lower lip improvement



This patient refused zygoma projection



This patient refused zygoma projection

From Algeria


Algerian Female-FOX EYES- CASE 1

Fox Eyes treated

  • fox eyes technique 

From Libya

northern african libyan face female

Libyan Female-Case 1

  • Left Side Middle Third treated
  • Left Side  Lower Third treated


northern african libyan face female- case by Dr.Sultana, libyan endopeel trainer

Libyan Female -case 2

  • Forehead treated


northern african libyan face female

Libyan Female-Case 3

Courtesy of Dr.Sultana Alalam

  • Middle Third treated
  • Lower Third treated


 courtesy of dr.mohammed hunder

Libyan Female -case 4

upper pic :untreated- lower pic : treated

  • Middle and Lower third treated on the lower picture


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